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Human resources management system

In today's world with peace and development as the theme of the situation, the economic and technological competition. In the increasingly mature global market economy environment, the competition between enterprises in the final analysis, is thehuman wisdom is the level of competition, people's comprehensive quality and human resource development and management competition. Talent is the fundamental enterprise, is the enterprise the most precious resource, is the decisive factor in the survival and development of enterprises. Where the rapid development, actively participate in the international competition of the enterprise, make the effective management and exploitation of resources from the resource and economic development to the human resources and information resources. Can be expected,twenty-first Century will be the era of human resources and intellectual capital aspower of new century, the cause of the success or failure of any organization, all with the human resource development and management level is closely related to

. To adapt to the establishment of human resource values in the enterprise marketeconomy

In the selection and use of talents, should not only value the diploma, even not onlytalent ability is raised, must understand, cultivate his culture - values.

Dingfeng technology in human resource management, the basic theory of market economy

The first emphasis on hierarchy concept, the concept of a level difference isemphasized people's ability is a difference, differences in the ability to lead people in business division difference. The two division between people in the enterpriseincome difference. Three is the income differences in people's income leveldifference, the difference is normal, there are differences is normal, no difference wasnot normal, so firmly opposed to mess.

The second idea is to emphasize efficiency supreme idea, do not emphasize other,efficiency first, the enterprise is not that fair, because justice is the function of society,society is to emphasize the fair. The enterprise is to emphasize the benefits, because the enterprises emphasize efficiency, society emphasizes fairness, realize thecombination of efficiency and fairness, emphasize efficiency supreme idea is actuallyfor the human capital boarded the stage of history of service.

The third idea is the team spirit, because the difference between the levels of enterprises, this difference marks the everyone is very important, is a part of the organization, so the team spirit is the key to business success.

Fourth is the idea that loyalty. Loyalty currency capital to human capital, the human capital of the loyalty of money capital, superior to subordinate loyalty, the inferior to the superior loyalty, loyalty loyalty concept, idea is actually human capital boarded the stage of history, specification and ensure a culture of enterprise human capitaloperation.

Recruit and develop human resources

Relying on the labor market complement key posts of the talented person. Under the market economy system, social programs and human resources is higher, so theeffective use of social resources in a period of rapid development, rely on the external labor market, give full play to the market mechanism to play in the allocation of human resources in the role, the optimal effect to achieve the allocation of human resources.

To the elite schools to recruit graduates, added fresh blood. And the cultivation oftalents in enterprises actively explore the internal. Meet the training talents within theFukuda Toyo technology is another way to demand of human resource is the enterprise, this way is providing development opportunities for staff, increase thestaff's sense of trust, which is conducive to stimulate internal staff, is conducive to the development of employee occupation career, is conducive to the stability of staff, to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, easy to form a unified values, based on enterprise employees feeling strong, but also conducive to the special formation and accumulation of human capital; the two is to promote internal staff can improve theloyalty of all employees to the organization, in making management decisions, canhave more long-term plan.

As the saying goes: it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years. Visible,cultivation of talents is not a short duration of time things, it is a long-term strategic task of enterprises. Actively recruit contract for new employees, adjust the human resource structure, and through training, basically formed a team of high qualityindustrial workers team, to meet the needs of the rapid development of enterprises.

Make good use of talent and retain talent

Keep people is essential to implement the strategy of talents, to take active and effective measures to retain the talent success, make the talent flows to maintain areasonable, scientific level, enterprises can continue to grow and develop, no one,what are not, leave it to the practical measures, strategies to maintain the the strategy of attracting, participation strategy, investment strategy and retain talents. In keep people, Fukuda Lovol mainly take the following four ways:

One is the cause of keeping. Fukuda Lovol to revitalize national industry granddevelopment strategy of responsibility, to be on the staff has great appeal, just as abusiness person, what will be through their own hard work and a great achievements in the cause of greater appeal?

Two is the mechanism to keep the person. In enterprise production and business activities, Fukuda Lovol has always been implementing the "people-oriented" management system, using scientific, systematic, standardized management mode,management behavior conforms to the "human nature". Pay attention to the human value and dignity, advocate democracy management and behavior science; with high efficiency, high quality completion of various tasks as the core, to establish a system of rewards and penalties, inspection and evaluation, salary, as the mode of operation,the full implementation of the target responsibility system (task) as the excitationmachine running security

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